Egypt 2024: Path of the Priest/ess Retreat, 2—15 Nov 2024. Click here to read more.

Auset Temple Trance Channelling

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Auset Temple Trance Channelling

Prerequisite Course(s): Angel Miracles Psychic Development (*Previously called Angel Miracles — Level 1), Angel Miracles Psychic Mediumship, Auset Temple Healing — Level 1 and Auset Temple Divination.

Learn to verbally Trance Channel the Archangels Hamied and Michael, plus the Ancient Egyptian Divinities.

By Assuming The God or Goddess Form great wisdom can be received and transmitted. Greatly benefits all on a Spiritual path including Holistic Hypnotherapists and Healers. The Egyptian divinities are so wise and powerful so you can learn to channel very valuable information and energies from them.

This is a Professional Level Course that will enable you to give amazing Channeled Client Readings by phone or in person. We also train you to give remarkable Group Public Channeling Events and also ensure that you will have the confidence to do this. Please bring your favourite Angel Cards plus your Auset Egyptian Oracle Cards.

It is highly recommended to please bring a natural clear quartz crystal ball to this course. This is a two-day course.