2025 Forecast Reading with Chakra Balancing or Cord Cutting by Linda Danker
Energy Exchange: $168 (Usual: $180)
‘To be forearmed is to be forewarned’
This will be a first 6 months reading with Linda for the year 2025, followed by either a Chakra Balancing session, or a cord cutting session. You'll receive insights ahead of time with the Forecast Reading, and decisions that should be made when the time comes.
Disclaimer for all readings:
All insights shared by Linda during each reading would remain intact for the time frame. However, the messages given in the forecast will change if and when clients’ circumstances change after the reading.
What happens after booking?
Linda will reach out to you accordingly to make an appointment, please register your contact details during payment. To learn more about this service, please contact Linda Danker at +65 8389 4149.
About Linda Danker

Linda is a seasoned Past Life and Tarot reader. She’s been doing this work since 2013, working together with her Higher Self in bringing clarity to many clients over the years.